Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Stay at home moms

I was going to put this as a response to exzotic's post, but thought
maybe I'd make it a stand-alone thing instead.

Thanks for posting that, ugot, about the values of a mom. What I find
interesting is that both sides of the working mom vs. stay-at-home
mom issue feel under-valued. I quit working full time outside the
home a few weeks before my first child. For a long time I felt guilty
not doing more for my family financially. And it was a struggle to go
from knowing who I was before kids and working full time to wondering
who I was without a job. I can remember being in a room with all
working people, and them asking me what I do, and saying, "I'm just a
stay at home mom." Now I see that as horrible that I ever felt that
way. Yet, I know working moms that feel guilty not spending more time
with their kids.

I think there's just no easy answer and we just have to make the
choice that makes us feel the best about ourselves. I know some
working moms that have said they wouldn't be able to be a stay at
home mom, as it would drive them crazy. And I know I wouldn't be able
to be a working mom, as it would drive me crazy and make me too
stressed. I worked in an industry that was so stressful and without
much help for so long, and I kind of feel I've done my time. That
might sound bad, I just couldn't go back to working and being
stressed, and then coming home to a home and kids to take care of.
I'd go crazy. I finally found myself a niche of my own as a stay-at-
home mom and writer, and while I don't make enough money to make many
contributions financially, I feel better that I'm at least doing

Currently recapping The Biggest Loser
Amazing Race, Next Great American Band
Publisher's Circle,
Writing Helpful Product and Services Reviews
Not Just for Couch Potatoes

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1 comment:

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