Saturday, January 20, 2007

Who's the Criminal?

Just who would be the criminal(s) in this scenario?

29-year-old Pretends to be 12

Weren't all three of these men up to no good? It looks like the ringmaster are the older two men, and that the younger man is acting on their behalf. However, despite the fact he was acting and pretending to be 12, he's 29 years old. Certainly he knew it was wrong to pretend to be 12, but this all begs the question how he ended up where he is.

The older men were upset to find out he was as old as 29. So they believed they were acting as pedophiles, is what it sounds like. You can't charge them with that, though, because he's 29 years old and acting on his own accord. Yet still, they thought he was younger, and they were using him to get more "young boys."

I just can't imagine how I would prosecure this. The 29 year old didn't commit a crime when he lied to the older men, but he certainly commited a crime when he tried to enroll in school as a 12 year old. The two older men didn't commit a crime having a relationship with him, as they thought he was younger, but he wasn't. However, if they were trying to enroll him in school, they were fradulent at that point.

I probably shouldn't be writing about this, as Google is going to pick up real odd things when they're crawling, but it's just had me thinking all morning.

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