Saturday, December 1, 2007

Then and Now

Kitchen Update! Top pic old kitchen, bottom 2 new kitchen.

Here's where we're at right now with it. Woo hoo! Can't tell you how
excited I am. Every little piece that goes in makes me that much more
excited. I keep asking our carpenter, "Have I ever told you that I'm
easily amused?" And the other thing about me is I love to organize,
so I had a field day yesterday filling my cabinets. I have a cool new
micowave on order. It will go in the hole left in the pantry, and we
pretty much built it to this one I saw at Sears, and they now have it
nowhere, so I had to order it. It's a regular size microwave, 1.2 cub
foot, and on the end is a 2 slot toaster. It was so cool! It will
make it one less appliance to have on my countertop. They also make
them with coffee makers in the microwave, but I wanted the toaster.
I've got other plans for the coffee maker. Finishing electric and
trim today. Paint next week.

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